Five fall activities that will boost your mood and well-being

As the leaves begin to change and the air turns crisper, fall offers a unique and beautiful backdrop for outdoor and indoor activities. For older adults, this season provides an excellent opportunity to stay active, engage with nature, and embrace the spirit of autumn. We’ve compiled five fall activities that can help boost your well-being while enjoying the change of the seasons.  


Enjoy the colours of fall on a walk

The vibrant colours of fall foliage make it an ideal time for leisurely strolls in the park or nature reserves. These walks not only allow us all a chance to appreciate the stunning scenery but also promote physical activity and social interaction. Invite friends or family along for a wonderful bonding experience.

Spend time in a garden

Fall is an excellent time for gardening enthusiasts. Planting fall-blooming flowers, preparing your garden for winter, or even growing some late-season vegetables can provide a sense of accomplishment and connection to nature.

Try a new recipe with autumn ingredients

The fall season brings an abundance of seasonal produce like squash, pumpkins, and apples. Explore a new recipe or revisit an old favourite. While eating delicious food nourishes the body, preparing (and sharing) meals can improve self-esteem and promote a more positive aging experience.

Connect with your artistic side

Are you someone who enjoys expressing themselves artistically? The changing scenery provides a perfect opportunity to pull out your paintbrushes and create something inspired by the colours of autumn. If painting isn’t your thing, artistic activities like dancing, singing, or creative writing can also positively affect your health and well-being and help with things like memory, problem-solving and reaction time.  

Curl up with a good book

Finally, consider indulging in a good book or joining a book club. Reading can relieve symptoms related to depression and dementia and is a relaxing activity that can help reduce feelings of isolation.

Fall provides an opportunity to relish the beauty of nature, engage in creative pursuits, and build cherished memories with loved ones. By participating in these activities, you can stay active, boost your mental well-being, and fully embrace the joys of autumn. So, go ahead and make the most of this colourful and enchanting season!

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DISCLAIMER: These summaries are provided for informational purposes only. They are not a substitute for advice from your own health care professional. The summaries may be reproduced for not-for-profit educational purposes only. Any other uses must be approved by the McMaster Optimal Aging Portal (

Many of our Blog Posts were written before the COVID-19 pandemic and thus do not necessarily reflect the latest public health recommendations. While the content of new and old blogs identify activities that support optimal aging, it is important to defer to the most current public health recommendations. Some of the activities suggested within these blogs may need to be modified or avoided altogether to comply with changing public health recommendations. To view the latest updates from the Public Health Agency of Canada, please visit their website.