Public Health Article

Effectiveness of culturally tailored interventions for chronic illnesses among ethnic minorities

Review Quality Rating: 8 (strong)

Citation: Joo JY, & Liu MF. (2020). Effectiveness of culturally tailored interventions for chronic illnesses among ethnic minorities. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 193945920918334.

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Culturally tailored interventions have been applied to provide benefits to ethnic minorities' care; however, the effectiveness of these interventions for chronic conditions is mixed. This systematic review of systematic reviews critically evaluates recent evidence of the effects that culturally tailored interventions have on health care outcomes among ethnic minorities with chronic conditions. It synthesizes results of eight English-language systematic reviews published between 2010 and 2018 and identifies four health care outcomes common to the reviews: disease knowledge, objective clinical outcomes, satisfaction, and access. Our findings suggest that culturally tailored interventions can contribute to the improvement of ethnic minorities' health care outcomes and especially improve patients' satisfaction with care. However, results overall are mixed. Further studies to better understand the value of culturally tailored interventions for ethnic minorities' care are needed.


Adults (20-59 years), Cancer, Chronic Diseases, Community, Cultural group, Diabetes, Economic evaluation, Education / Awareness & Skill Development / Training, Health Care Setting, Seniors (60+ years), Social Determinants of Health (e.g., social environments, education, employment and working conditions), Systematic review of reviews, Worksite

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